NEWS! I am a Digi Darla DT!!


Hello everyone! I am so excited that I have been chosen to be a design team member for Digi Darla. I know I will be working with some awesome ladies. If you don’t know about Digi Darla let me give you the 411

DigiDarla is the brain child of Kim Eskola and her daughter Emilea.


Emilea and I both enjoy creating and when the idea of creating digital stamps came up, it sounded like the most wonderful way to earn ever!

There was only one problem! We are both shy and dislike the center of attention! As a way of “hiding behind the scenes” and avoiding having one spokeswoman, DigiDarla was born!

The stamps you will find in the store and on this site come from our art as well as a few family friends that help to digitize so we can keep up. Even Emilea’s art teacher has granted permission to create digis from her artwork.

Working with Emilea on this project has been a wonderful blessing and has stretched both of us. Emilea is a busy teen with her passion for art and training our 2 horses, piano and violin lessons, and squeezing in high school classes somewhere in between! She is also the oldest daughter in a family of 11!

I guess that brings you to me, Kim. Yes, I am a busy mom of 9. We do home educate and wouldn’t have it any other way! (well, um, yeah…yes…that’s right, I think…LOL!) Yes, yes, really it is!

I love being able to be home and part of all my children’s lives…but it has not always been easy-like my big haired idea to start this site (was that really my idea? What was I thinking?)

I am looking forward to getting to know you! Feel free to send me any questions you may have about DSC. I will be happy to help!

Stop on over to Digi Darla’s Challenge blog and say Hi!

Here is my Intro Card!

7 thoughts on “NEWS! I am a Digi Darla DT!!

  1. Michele

    Simply adorable! I like this layout and love that you added more grass on the image. Super sweet! Happy to be working with you on DD. 🙂


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