New adventure

So I have been wanting to do this post for a while but really haven’t had a chance to sit down and get it all out but I think I waited long enough.
If you follow me on Instagram then you have seen the pouches I have recently made. Since I was a little girl I have always wanted to learn how to use a sewing machine. My grandmother had one but she had stopped using hers for a long while. My mother has always sewn by hand including our halloween outfits and she never learned how to use a machine. In the past couple of years I had purchased a few mini and handheld sewing machines just to try it out but had no luck with them. Now because of YouTube and all the wonderful people who have uploaded some amazing tutorials I finally got the courage to get a full size sewing machine. The only problem was the money. Well once I told my mother about how I wanted to get a sewing machine she surprised me and bought one for me as well as herself. I was sooo excited and grateful and I couldn’t wait to have my very own machine. I was also excited that we would both be able to learn together.
It has been a dream of mine to be able to sew and I have always wanted to share my creations with others. For christmas I decided that I would sew zippered pouches for my cousins as gifts and after posting them on Instagram I had such wonderful responses. That’s when I started my line of pouches made from beautiful coordinating designer fabrics. It has been such an amazing experience selling my pouches and the support and love I received from my fellow instagram has encouraged me to pursue my dream.
As of right now my pouches will be under the name of V’s sweet ideas but might be changing it soon so watch out for some more upcoming news. I am also just selling them on Instagram but will most likely be adding them to my shop
I do want to share just a few of the pouches I have made with you and if you would like to purchase your very own pouch then you can follow me on Instagram






Just some info on my pouches:
Each one is made with lots of love and care. I also use designer fabric and line with a coordinating design. interface is also added for stability. I top it off with a lovely coordinating zipper.
The standard size is approx. 8 x 4 but feel free to contact me if you have a custom size.
You can contact me through email at if you have any questions. Thank you!

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