Craft Storage Ideas Planner Blog Hop


Hi there, readers! Thanks for Hopping along on the Craft Storage Ideas Planner Blog Hop! You should have come from Sharon’s blog.


We are so excited to share some great ideas for keeping your planner both organized and fun along the way. But first, I want to share some FANTASTIC PRIZES we will be sharing with lucky commenters along the route! 


• TWO winners will receive 50$ Gift Certificates from OrganizeMore to pick out your faveorganizer! 
• One winner will receive the following 3 stamp sets from V’s Sweet Ideas:

Fit PlanningOrganize It, too!, and Organize It!  

• One winner will receive the Scheduled stamp setfrom The Ton Stamps!
• One winner will receive a collection of planner stickers from MareBear Crafts on etsy!



To win, simply comment at each stop along the way. You do not have to comment on every stop to win, but it sure increases your chances!  Also, we are sorry, but winners must live in the United States, as international shipping is just too pricey. L


I am so excited to be part of this blog hop and share with you how I stay organized with my baby aka color crush planner.

The color crush planner comes with dashboards which are clear inserts that are meant for you to stick important reminders and so on. What I like to do is stick my food shopping list and my craft shopping list and use my “Organize it!” stamp set to specify what each list is for as shown below 

Also, when I do not have the time to neatly add something in my weekly pages I jot it down on a sticky note and add it to my dash board for a later time. 

I like to jot down birthdays and payment dates on my monthly calender only because there isn’t much room. I will sometimes add important events. Since the boxes are tiny on my monthy inserts I like to use the icons from my planner stamps. 

Here is how I decorate my weekly pages. I use my stamps and also some custom stickers I make myself. 

Forgot to mention my 1×1 mini acrylic block I use for stamping. I will soon be carrying these minis in the shop.

I also started a weight loss/get healthy journey and created a stamp set to help me with just that. 


Here are a few things that I use when planning.

I have a passport holder that I use as a pen / sticky/notes/ clips/stamp holder. 

And here is my bucket of target $1 spot stuff lol

Well I hope you enjoyed my post and I hope it was helpful. Loved sharing with you how I stay organized.


Thanks so much for stopping by! Next on the Hop is Kimberly’s blog. 


16 thoughts on “Craft Storage Ideas Planner Blog Hop

  1. Anonymous

    A smaller acrylic block is a great idea to improve my stamping of these small images. I need one or two of them for sure!

  2. Becca Cruger

    I love that you have an organizer for your organizational stuff. 🙂 It made me chuckle. I also like the idea about the post its, because sometimes you just need to write something down in a hurry!

  3. Denise Bryant

    Looks like an awesome planner! I love the stamp set! Great idea to use it for weight loss goals and ideas, etc!


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